Saturday, March 6, 2010

French bloggers Kropotkine & Ikky interview Craig Ranke

I participated in a comprehensive interview with French bloggers/911 Truth activists Kropotkine & Ikky of the "Enquêtes et Faits Divers" blog which means "Inquiries and News Items".

Read the full interview in English here.

These guys have done an amazing job bringing the evidence we have uncovered to the people of France by creating a version of National Security Alert with French subtitles that they uploaded to here. It has received over 35,000 views and over 500 comments.

French author Thierry Meyssan's book "L'Effroyable imposture" which means "The Horrifying Fraud" (its English edition is entitled 9/11: The Big Lie) was released in 2002 and as far as I know was the first publication released questioning the 9/11 event during all the initial hysteria when to do so was considered unthinkable for most.

There has been a rather lively debate on this topic in France ever since.

Meyssan's book received worldwide attention and he was the first known proponent of the missile theory at the Pentagon. Kropotkine & Ikky recently published an exclusive interview with Meyssan on their blog where they asked him about the research of CIT. The original interview in French is available on their blog here and Kropotkine has translated the outtakes where Meyssan discusses CIT and posted them on our forum in this post.

There has been a renewed interest in France regarding the Pentagon attack due to the efforts of Kropotkine & Ikky to make sure people there are aware of what we have accomplished. With so many people discussing our research Kropotkine had some very excellent questions to ask us that deserved extremely detailed and thorough answers.

The same questions are also brought up during debate in the U.S. so reading this entire interview is highly recommended.

The below link is to the English version. They will be releasing a French version as soon as they finish the translation.

Interview de Craig Ranke, réalisateur de National Security Alert et co-fondateur de la Citizen Investigation Team

Thanks Kropotkine & Ikky!