January 27, 2012
The following article and corresponding video break down the details regarding the formation of CIT in 2006, and our history with Russell Pickering, the former owner of pentagonresearch.com.

Russell Pickering was arguably the most well known 9/11 Pentagon event researcher for a few years prior to December 2007 when he dramatically "quit" the truth movement as documented here.
He was the creator and owner of the now defunct website pentagonresearch.com that is cited numerous times in David Ray Griffin's book "Debunking 9/11 Debunking". An archive of his site from February 2007 can be found here (cached backup)
Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) spent a few days with Russell in person during our very first research trip to Arlington, VA in late August 2006 while we were volunteering as research consultants to the 9/11 documentary "Loose Change Final Cut" by Dylan Avery.
Continue reading complete article here: What Happened to Russell Pickering's Website Pentagonresearch.com?
Watch Video here: Russell Pickering's History with CIT & the 9/11 Truth Movement
Download image here: Russell Pickering image