Monday, August 30, 2010

Former NASA Flight Director Dwain Deets Endorses CIT & National Security Alert

Dwain Deets is an outspoken 9/11 truth advocate who is a core member of both Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth as well as Pilots for 9/11 Truth.

He has recently launched a very succinct website regarding the destruction of World Trade Center building 7 at:

Dwain is currently retired after 37 years with NASA, where he worked as an aeronautical engineer and flight director for Aerospace Projects. In other words he is a literal rocket scientist.

We are honored to receive his endorsement for our work and conclusions.

Full text of endorsement here.

Video here:

Thanks Dwain!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! But...nearing the 9th Anniversary and still the terrorists are at large, still engaging in their criminal activities!

God bless you guys..It must be really painful for you to have dedicated your lives to the cause while 300.000.000 cretins around you just go about their daily business not giving a fuck!!


Bruce Sinclair said...

Thanks Dwain. Well done!

Bruce Sinclair

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